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The best way to see ShiftNote is with our 30 Day Free Trial.

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Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

Are you an employee or manager trying to access your account? Fill out this employee information request form and we will send you your ShiftNote ID and Password or contact us at

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Get started today in 5 minutes. There is no software to install, and your credit card is not needed. Try ShiftNote risk free!

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Low, flexible price plans available.

Volume discounts and flexible billing are available to fit your needs. You can choose between quarterly and annual billing and each location can be invoiced separately or all locations together. Invoicing will start 30 days after the free trial has been activated.

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Would you like a quick tour?

Chat with a shift-to-shift communication and staff scheduling expert to evaluate if ShiftNote is right for your business. Book your 1-on-1 tour with a ShiftNote Product Specialist, here.